For German standard window size, galvanized, for 2 windows.
- Height 23.5 cm
- Length: 37.5 cm; Top bar: 39.5 cm
- Depth: 8.5 cm
The arrest method is for beekeepers who want to do without medication during varroa mite control.
Here one or two empty brood frames are placed in the arrest frame and the queen is locked in it.
Every seven to nine days the brood frames are replaced with new empty brood frames, this happens up to four times in total.
Removing residual mites with oxalic acid or lactic acid is now also possible.
Possible applications of the arrest frame: - in varroa control
- to better replace old brood frames
to reduce the queen's brooding activity during honey harvest so that the bees collect more honey
- to prevent the queen from swarming.
Arrestraam varroa mite control
Up until now it was an extra effort to remove the old empty brood frame from the arrest frame, place it next to it for the cap and transfer the queen to the new empty brood frame. With the new method for two brood frames this extra effort is now significantly reduced. Old and new empty frames change into the arrest frame, so the queen does not have to be moved every time. It is sufficient to shake off the covered brood frames when removing.
the brood frame that is removed is destroyed or melted down.