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Ideal for spray application with special membrane incl. wood adapter.

  • 25 Watt power consumption
  • No high temperatures
  • Even distribution through fine spraying of the liquid
  • The treatment is carried out from above via bung hole covers or bee escape, without breaking up the colony
  • No need to seal openings and cracks
  • No bee and brood loss due to locally high oxalic concentration and heat
  • Treatment time 4 minutes per colony
  • Oxalic acid ad. American vet. (Oxuvar) can be sprayed completely into the colony through the nebulizer
  • Easy to use
  • Less safety risk than when spraying with a spray bottle

RuBee® Ox Nebulizer

SKU: 28850
€87.50 Regular Price
€ 78,75Sale Price
VAT Included |


  • The spray jet generated by the nebulizer is then evenly distributed over the colony by the device. The application is the same as a spray bottle, but this device has the advantage of not requiring any pulling on the honeycombs and minimizing the risk of inhalation from the spray jet, as the application is only through a hole in the upper part.

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