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RuBee Premium Bee Food Can® of 30 kg with valve


We have been using RuBee syrup® with the best results in our apiary for winter feeding, satisfied beekeepers confirm our experience. The beekeepers who have used this bee food once come back to it again and again!

  • Unused food can easily be stored all year round and will not become sour or inedible.
  • With a dry matter of 74.5 - 75.5%, RuBee bee food syrup® also suitable for irritating foods.
  • For winter feeding, 15-18 kg RuBee Bee Feeding Syrup® per colony recommended.
  • less theft than with sugar water
  • Bus with extra practical ventilation opening

Feed syrup RUBEE®30 Kg

SKU: 26204
23,00 € Regular Price
€ 20,70Sale Price
VAT Included |


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